Ergonomic Assessment Enquiry

Do you require an ergonomic assessment for your work space?

Where an ergonomic assessment is required for your work space WA Ergo Supplies recommends using a qualified specialist.

WA Ergo Supplies is lucky to work alongside a number of Workplace Rehabilitation providers who can assist clients with Ergonomic (Workstation) Assessments. The below are a few of the providers we work with that can help match the right equipment for you or your organisation. All providers are independent of WA Ergo Supplies.

Assessments can be brief or comprehensive in nature depending upon your requirements.

The aim of the Ergonomic Assessment is to review the current workstation setup, making recommendations regarding assistive equipment or work practice modifications that will assist a worker to recover from an injury or prevent aggravation of an injury and ensure maximum comfort at work.

Benefits of a Workplace Assessment can include minimising injuries in the workplace, increased productivity and company morale and may help to decrease lost time injuries and staff turnover.

WA Ergo Supplies recommends that all assessments should be conducted by experienced Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists or Exercise Physiologists.

WA Ergo Supplies recommends these providers






Contact the providers above by clicking on their logo or contact WA Ergo Supplies and we can put you in touch with a provider

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